Celebrating the Work of Chester, Pennsylvania in Fostering a Breastfeeding-Friendly Community

In a world where each community faces its unique set of challenges, the city of Chester, Pennsylvania, stands out as a testament to resilience, innovation, and focus. Despite navigating through a labyrinth of structural and political hurdles, the community has made substantial strides toward becoming a breastfeeding-friendly haven. We’re excited to update you on the latest developments. Chester has made considerable progress since their first self assessment in February 2023.

A Tailored Approach to Overcoming Limitations

Recognizing the complexity of the challenges in engaging healthcare providers, hospitals, and educators in Chester, the local Delaware County Breastfeeding Coalition decided to prioritize Steps 2, 4, and 7 of their community-based program. Given the limitations, Steps 5 and 10 had to be set aside temporarily, but this only fueled the team’s creativity.

  • Creating a Welcoming Community for Breastfeeding Families (Step 2): Recognizing that a community’s support plays a pivotal role in the choices of new parents, Chester strives to ensure that the entire community stands behind chest/breastfeeding families.
  • Educating Families During Pregnancy (Step 4): Information is power. Chester has taken steps to ensure all pregnant families are well-informed about the myriad benefits of chest/breastfeeding. They also are educated about the risks associated with unnecessary formula use and the avenues available for support.
  • Engaging Local Businesses and Organizations (Step 7): To ensure sustainability and widespread adoption, local businesses and organizations are being brought onboard. They are instrumental in creating an environment where chest/breastfeeding families are welcome and supported. The Coalition focused towards partnering with smaller local businesses and nonprofits.

The team developed a window sticker with the affirming message, “We Support Breastfeeding.” These stickers are now proudly displayed in the windows of local businesses, symbolizing a community-wide embrace of nursing families.

Policy & Awareness: Making Moves

The Delaware County Breastfeeding Coalition wants to expand their grassroots efforts into greater community awareness. They have drafted a proclamation for introduction to the City government. This strategic move aims to solidify the community’s commitment to promoting breastfeeding and ensuring that it’s not just a short-term decision but a long-lasting change.

Equity Goals: For Everyone, By Everyone

Acknowledging that as many as 20% of residents and clients in Chester speak Spanish as their primary language, the Coalition is committed to providing more resources in Spanish. The goal is to make sure that information and support is accessible and that language is not a barrier.

While the community’s current economic and political strains have made it  necessary to obtain external support.The Coalition has made concerted efforts to center the voices of Chester residents, particularly those of color, in this transformative journey.

Join the Cause

This is not just a story about a community adapting to challenges; it’s an invitation for you to become part of this exciting transformation. The Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Pennsylvania Department of Health are lending their full support. Multiple local organizations and coalitions are also part of this collaborative effort.

Contact Us to Get Involved

  • Meah El: mel@delcofoundation.org
  • Katie Kenyon: kkenyon@delcofoundation.org

Your involvement can make a significant difference in turning Chester into a breastfeeding-friendly community for all. We invite you to join this inspiring venture and make a lasting impact on the health and well-being of families in Chester.