Embracing Inclusivity: The Benefits of Becoming a Family-Friendly Establishment

In a world where inclusivity and support for new parents are increasingly valued, businesses have the opportunity to make a profound difference by becoming family-friendly establishments. Creating an environment where nursing parents feel welcomed and supported aligns with principles of equality and benefits for both the business and the community it serves.

Breastfeed Durham Community Partners are establishments that openly welcome nursing parents, providing them with a comfortable and supportive environment to feed their babies. This designation goes beyond mere compliance with legal requirements; it reflects a commitment to fostering a culture of inclusivity and support for families.

Durham’s initiative has gained significant traction, with over 100 businesses in the Durham area already designated since 2021. What makes this program particularly noteworthy is its accessibility and ease of participation. There is no cost to join, and the application takes less than five minutes to complete, making it a simple yet impactful way for businesses to show their support for lactating parents.

But why should businesses consider becoming a Community Partners? Here’s a few benefits to being a lactation-friendly establishment:

  • Increased Visibility and Customer Loyalty: By openly supporting lactating parents, businesses can enhance their reputation as inclusive and family-friendly establishments. This positive perception can lead to increased customer loyalty and attract new patrons who value businesses that prioritize social responsibility.
  • Increased Foot Traffic and Sales: Parents often seek out establishments where they feel comfortable nursing their babies. By becoming family-friendly, businesses can tap into this demographic and potentially increase foot traffic and sales. Moreover, nursing parents are likely to spend more time at establishments where they feel welcome, leading to higher customer engagement and revenue generation.
  • Community Engagement: Participating in initiatives like the Community Partner Award demonstrates a business’s commitment to the well-being of the community it serves. This can foster goodwill among community members and strengthen the business’s ties to its local area. Furthermore, businesses may have the opportunity to collaborate with other community organizations and stakeholders to promote family-friendly initiatives, further enhancing their community engagement.
  • Employee Morale and Satisfaction: Creating a lactation-friendly environment benefits customers and also has positive implications for employees. Knowing that their workplace supports initiatives aimed at inclusivity and social responsibility can boost employee morale and job satisfaction. Additionally, businesses that prioritize employee well-being are likely to attract and retain top talent, contributing to long-term organizational success.
  • Contribution to Public Health: Supporting lactation is beneficial for individual families and also contributes to public health outcomes. Chest/breastfeeding has numerous health benefits for both nursing parents and babies, including reducing the risk of certain diseases and promoting optimal infant development. By creating lactation-friendly environments, businesses play a role in promoting and normalizing human milk feeding, thereby contributing to the health and well-being of the broader community.

The decision to become a family-friendly establishment is a win-win for businesses, customers, and the community at large. By taking simple steps to welcome nursing parents, businesses can reap a multitude of benefits, from enhanced reputation and customer loyalty to increased sales and community engagement. The Community Partner Initiative provides businesses with a convenient platform to demonstrate their support for nursing parents, making it easier than ever to embrace inclusivity and make a positive impact on society.

If you’re a business located in Durham, NC, apply today to become a Breastfeed Durham Community Partner! There is no cost to join and the application takes less than 5 minutes.