The communities listed below have committed to implementing the Ten Steps to a Breastfeeding Family Friendly Community, tailored to meet the unique needs and strengths of their local families and municipalities. Each community is working toward creating an environment that supports breastfeeding, chestfeeding, and human milk feeding families through collaborative efforts, cultural inclusivity, and sustainable practices.

From urban centers to rural areas, these communities are fostering change by addressing systemic barriers, promoting equitable access to lactation resources, and engaging local leaders, businesses, and organizations. Together, they are building a network of support that improves health outcomes for families and strengthens community resilience.

Explore the list to learn more about the communities leading the way, and if you’re interested in joining this movement fill out our interest form to start the journey in your own area!


North Carolina





Want to be added to our list of communities? Complete the Breastfeeding Family Friendly Communities Interest Form.

To maintain recognition as a Breastfeeding Friendly Community, we ask each community to demonstrate active engagement at least once every two years by either: (1) completing a needs assessment, (2) attending at least one Breastfeeding Communities roundtable discussion, or (3) maintaining robust communication with Breastfeeding Communities via email. Communities that do not meet these participation criteria will be subject to removal from the public listing until re-engagement is established.

Learn More

Reach out to the Breastfeeding Family Friendly Communities team (contact@breastfeedingcommunities.org) for more information.