Buncombe County was proclaimed a Breastfeeding Friendly Community on July 16, 2019. Read the Buncombe County Proclamation here.
News about the Asheville and Buncombe County Breastfeeding Family Friendly Community designation:
- Asheville and Buncombe County seek breastfeeding-friendly designation (https://mountainx.com/living/asheville-and-buncombe-county-seek-breastfeeding-friendly-designation/
- Healthy Communities: Making Buncombe Breastfeeding Friendly (https://buncombepfc.org/for-professionals/shaping-buncombe/)

Join the Community Network! Contact: nursingmamasadvocate@gmail.com
A resolution has been approved by the Health and Human Services Board to support Buncombe County as a Breastfeeding Friendly Community. The goal is to provide breastfeeding support in the areas with the lowest breastfeeding rates.
Nursing Mamas Advocate

If you are interested in learning how to be a breastfeeding friendly workplace, business, or child care center, please contact Natasha Bowden at natasha@buncombepfc.org
Supporting breastfeeding supports healthy families, and healthy families strengthen our workforce and community.
Buncombe County Partnership for Children