On August 16, 2021, Breastfeeding Family Friendly Community of Chatham County, North Carolina, presented to the Chatham County Board of Commissioners at the Historic Courthouse in Pittsboro. Chatham County was proclaimed as a Breastfeeding Family Friendly Community!
Breastfeeding Friendly Government
Thank you to Commissioner Howard, Hales, Dasher, Crawford and Flores for this important proclamation. My name is Charlotte Zuber Patton, I am an IBCLC at Chatham Hospital and Registered Dietitian with the WIC Program in Chatham County. I represent the recently formed group Breastfeeding Family Friendly Communities of Chatham County. I am also proud to represent the families whom I serve each day in this county, who are in turn supported by this proclamation.
We all know that breastfeeding is good for babies because of its beneficial properties that protect infants from chronic and acute illnesses alike, but some may not connect the importance of breastfeeding for healthy families with their community. Breastfeeding successfully is a community equity concern. And in a county as diverse as Chatham, Equity must always be an integral component of conversations toward improving health. Many families do not receive the same education, resources, and support that meet their breastfeeding needs, nor a welcoming atmosphere to breastfeed. These are often the reasons cited by parents who stop breastfeeding in the weeks after leaving the hospital. Efforts like education and support must begin before and continue after delivery of a baby and leaving the hospital. The reality of this means that every community member’s help is needed. Health care providers, businesses, schools, churches and other community organizations all play roles to directly supporting families. But, it is often the local government that has the most influence for widespread adoption and acceptance of breastfeeding as the norm across a community.
We are excited to be celebrating this proclamation during National Breastfeeding Month (NBM),which included World Breastfeeding Week (WBW), whose themes this year remind of the importance of community support. I will close with sharing them with you tonight:
WBW: Protect Breastfeeding: A Shared Responsibility
NBM: (We envision a world in which every family is supported at every step along the infant feeding journey, with warm and coordinated hand-offs and transitions so that the needs of lactating families and those who support them are anticipated and met) every step of the way.
We thank your for stepping up to show your commitment to providing a safe and healthy Community for the families of Chatham County today and families to come.
Charlotte Zuber Patton
Breastfeeding Family Friendly Community of Chatham County, North Carolina

Meeting Information
Community nonprofit organizations, social organizations, community advocates, healthcare providers, parents, and community members are welcome. Please contact us for more details (chatham@breastfeedingcommunities.org), and let us know if you would like to be added to our mailing list.
Chatham Hospital Baby-Friendly USA Application Moving Forward!
Chatham Hospital has moved to Dissemination Phase!
Development Phase – Completed!
The Development phase was a little challenging with multiple steps; it took almost a whole year. This is where all the planning and thinking came in.
Charlotte Zuber-Patton, our lactation consultant, did the bulk of the work. We had to develop a multidisciplinary team, an overall work plan, breastfeeding friendly policies, a staff training plan, prenatal teaching plans, postpartum teaching plans, and a data collection plan.
Read more about the exciting work that the Chatham Hospital team is doing to achieve the Baby-friendly designation!
Discovery Phase – Completed!

It started with the Baby-friendly USA Discovery Phase!
Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care
The North Carolina Division of Public Health, Nutrition Services Branch, has recently announced that the North Carolina Breastfeeding-Friendly Child Care Designation (NC BFCCD) is available again and accepting applications.

North Carolina Breastfeeding Friendly Childcare Designation
“Childcare programs are essential partners in supporting parents’ infant feeding goals. The NC BFCCD recognizes and promotes childcare programs that implement practices and policies to create a breastfeeding-friendly environment for their families and staff. In North Carolina, over 80% of parents initiate breastfeeding… However, when children are routinely cared for by someone other than their parents, parents are less likely to achieve their breastfeeding goals…[Families] are looking for childcare programs that will contribute to their breastfeeding success…”
Through the NC Department of Health and Human Services, child care programs are awarded the NC Breastfeeding-Friendly Child Care Designation for achieving five standards of breastfeeding-friendly child care. The standards – written policy, community connections, professional development, environment, and curriculum – are based on the 10 Steps to Breastfeeding-Friendly Child Care from the Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute.
- Building Blocks of Breastfeeding Friendly Childcare Learning Bursts webinars continue until October, and recordings of the webinars will be available.
- CGBI’s Breastfeeding University also is available.
- Our North Carolina neighbors Breastfeed Durham has set up digital folders to help you with your work to become a Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care Provider.
- Feel free to reach out for more information.
Breastfeeding Friendly Businesses
Let’s celebrate Chatham County’s breastfeeding-friendly businesses and organizations! Thank you for supporting breastfeeding families in our community. The businesses listed below have been formally recognized for their support of breastfeeding families. Welcoming breastfeeding families is part of making breastfeeding the norm in our community. On behalf of the North Carolina Breastfeeding Coalition, Breastfeeding Family Friendly Communities of Chatham County, and the families we represent, we extend our heartfelt appreciation to your business for all that you do to support breastfeeding. Thank you for your support!
Lactating Parents Returning to Work
The Making It Work Tool Kit is a resource to help breastfeeding mothers return to work. It is designed to provide assistance to breastfeeding mothers, their employers and their families.
- For Employers
- The Law: What is required of the Federal Labor Standards Act Worksite Lactation
- For Moms
- For Family Members: How to support mom’s journey to breastfeed
- Other Materials: Sample letters and policy to assist moms and employers
- Sample Worksite Lactation Policy
- WIC Breastfeeding Policy Update: All local WIC agencies are required to have a written breastfeeding workplace policy that applies at a minimum to WIC staff. This policy will be monitored by NSB staff on an annual basis
Breastfeeding Friendly Health Care
Lactation Support Providers
I am so excited that this day has come💯♥️As a lifetime resident of Chatham County where I have raised and breastfed both my children as well supported many families as a former WIC peer Counselor, Lactation Educator and now a PP IBCLC for over 25 years..….This is such a huge blessing and a Great Accomplishment for our entire community. Thank you to all that was involved and I wish I could have been there in support. Thanks to our local leaders for acknowledgment as well!! This is Community Support at it’s Best,
Angie Hilliard, IBCLC