Exciting news! We have partnered with Breastfeeding Family Friendly Communities to begin the journey in Wilkinsburg to become a Breastfeeding Family Friendly Community! Join our highly-motivated group of stakeholders who are ready to move forward to provide a safe and welcoming community for nursing families.
Join the Community Team! Contact:
Demia Tyler, MPH, CLC, CD(DONA), LCCE Director of Strategic Initiatives | Healthy Start, Inc. (412) 224-7040 dtyler@hsipgh.org
- Health Start Pittsburgh (https://healthystartpittsburgh.org)
- HEALTHY START CENTER FOR URBAN BREASTFEEDING Healthy Start Center for Urban Breastfeeding (HSCUB) is pleased to provide lactation support, education, advocacy and outreach to black women in Allegheny County. Find info on:
- The LAtCH Program LAUNCH
- Changing the culture of feeding black babies
- Classes and Workshops